There are times when we feel tired, sluggish or simply put, we've run out of gas. The gas in our body cells that we are talking about is called the ATP or adenosine
triphosphate. Well, unlike cars that can just wait for the next time that they get refueled, our cells literally cannot survive without ATP. That's why our cells need a constant supply of ATP. When the supply is not met, we get free radicals.
This is where
glutathione comes in. Oxidation is like a flame, wonderful when harnessed, dangerous when out of control. When we are young, the oxidation necessary for energy

production is highly efficient with only a small amount of oxygen not utilized. Even this minor oxygen loss (1-3%) unfortunately results in the production of free radicals. And this is where glutathione comes in to neutralize those free radicals. 1-3% doesn't sound too bad, when you're young. But let's say you're more mature now. That meaningless 1-3% becomes very significant. More and more free radicals are generated in the oxidative energy process and they are, in turn, damaging the mitochondria themselves. Fortunately, glutathione quenches a number of free radicals, including the highly dangerous hydroxyl radical by donating an electron. Glutathione itself does not become a free radical even though it has given up an electron.
There are other thing that glutathione can do for our body. This is just one of those. Right now, the best product in the market is MaxGXL. It gives your body's
glutathione a boost. To find out more, visit
For a free sample of MaxGXL, visit and request a MaxGXL Intro Pack.
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