Recently, Max International unveiled the MaxWLX. It's the best weight loss accelerator in the market to date and nothing has come close to what it can do. We all know what it can do for our bodies. We can look and feel trim and healthy. But MaxWLX also needs your cooperation. To help maintain what you have set yourself to achieve, you have to eat and live right too. So what are the things that we need to do and avoid for us to really start enjoying the benefits of MaxWLX?
Get enough sleep. It is a fact that not getting enough sleep restricts the amount of serotonin and dopamine, “feel-good” chemicals craved by the brain. So the brain messages the body to find more of these chemicals making you crave sugary foods. That’s why when you’re tired, you crave sweets.
Don't forget to drink water. Our body's cells need to rehydrate and when they're well hydrated, they help accelerate the liver's ability to convert stored fat into usable energy and help your kidneys flush out toxins. There was a study conducted for a year that showed that women who traded in their soda for water actually lost three extra pounds with some losing as much as twenty pounds. Amazing, isn't it?
There are also some types of food that we should “black list” from our diets. Processed foods that contain trans and saturated fats should be avoided. Some examples would be white foods like creamed sauces, white bread, white rice and simple sugar; and products containing high-fructose corn syrup. Not all foods are metabolized the same once they are consumed. The Glycemic Index shows foods that spike blood sugar then cause it to fall rapidly. You get a rush of energy and then a crash as blood sugar levels plummet. And that process makes you very hungry!
Try adding these to your regular diet instead:
Whole grains
You need carbohydrates, proteins and get this... fats in your diet. Surprised? Yes, you do need fats! There are some fats that are actually good for us. “Good” fats include monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and avocados. Polyunsaturated fats like the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, and vegetable oils like safflower and sunflower, are good for you. Avoid trans fat by carefully reading the labels. If it says “partially hydrogenated” or interesterified do not use.
Carbohydrates that are “complex” like multi-grain breads or brown rice are healthy alternatives to highly processed white bread or white rice. For the proteins, lean meat, chicken and fish will suffice.
Always watch what you're eating. Don't forget to factor in exercise as well. And as a final advice, don't ever skip breakfast! Eat three meals a day with frequent low-calorie snacks to keep your metabolism humming! Eating right will work with MaxWLX get you back on track.
For a free sample of MaxGXL, visit www.7daymaxchallenge.com and request a MaxGXL Intro Pack.
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